This is a clock tool which allows users to create an input which can change constanly bewteen 1 and 0 within a required frequency.
public Clock
new Clock()
Constructs a clock object intialed with 1000ms frequency, input of 1 and 2D display of size 60*42. Clock objects will start with 1 and change input to 0 or 1 every 1000ms. Moreover, the constructor will call reset() function once.
No publicly accessible properties on Clock
protected onTick
onTick() => void
This fucntion will set isOn to its opposite value, true to false or false to true, and create inputs changing to 1 or 0 constanly.
public reset
reset() => void
This function will be called after constructing a clock object, which intially set the clock off and call for onTick() function to turn on the clock.
public getDisplayName
getDisplayName() => string
Gets the display name of clock input.
– The display name of "Clock".
public getImageName
getImageName() => string
Gets the name of the clock image file.
– The name of the clock image file.
Static Methods
No static methods for Clock